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You are capable - Abraham Harold Maslow Quotes - born 01Apr1908 #Quoterian

Quoterian.com - If you deliberately set out to be less than you are capable, you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life. 
First Rate - braham Harold Maslow Quotes - born 01Apr1908 #Quoterian by Vikrmn CA Vikam Verma
You are capable -
Abraham Harold
Maslow Quotes -
born 01Apr1908
 Details: Founded the theory of psychology called "Maslow's hierarchy of needs". 

[01Apr1908 - 8Jun1970]
...Eat quotes, Drink quotes... be a Quoterian...
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Posted by 
Vikrmn: Author of "10 Alone" (CA Vikram Verma) 10Alone.com

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