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How to be free - Ram Dass aka Dr. Richard Alpert Quotes - born 06Apr1931 #Quoterian

Quoterian.com - If you think you're free, there's no escape possible. 
Calm - Ram Dass aka Dr. Richard Alpert Quotes - born 06Apr1931 #Quoterian by Vikrmn CA Vikam Verma
How to be free -
Ram Dass
aka Dr.
Richard Alpert
Quotes -
born 06Apr1931
Details: Contemporary spiritual teacher authored bestseller Remember Be Here Now (1971). Well known for his personal and professional association with Timothy Leary at Harvard University in early 1960s and the Hindu guru Neem Karoli Baba who named him Baba ram Dass.  
[06Apr1931 - >>>
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Vikrmn: Author of "10 Alone" (CA Vikram Verma) 10Alone.com

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