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Courage - William Clement Stone... Quotes - born 04May1902 #Quoterian

Quoterian.com - Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity. 
Courage - William Clement Stone... Quotes - born 04May1902 #Quoterian by Vikrmn CA Vikam Verma
Courage -
William Clement
Stone... Quotes - 
born 04May1902 
 Details: Details : Lived for 100 years and 4 months exact and known as Best selling American Author and nominee of the "Nobel Peace Prize". He started with meager material resources and became a multi-millionaire. 

[04May1902 - 03Sep2002]
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Vikrmn: Author of "10 Alone" (CA Vikram Verma) 10Alone.com

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