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Convince - Josh billings aka Henry Wheeler Shaw [12Apr1818 - 14Oct1885]

Quoterian.com - The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his way. 
Life - Josh billings aka Henry Wheeler Shaw Quotes - born 12Apr1818 #Quoterian by Vikrmn CA Vikam Verma
Convince -
Josh billings
aka Henry
Wheeler Shaw
Quotes -
born 12Apr1818
 Details: Second famous humor writer of 19 century after Mark Twain and authored book named Farmers' Allminax, Josh Billings' Sayings, Everybody's Friend, Choice Bits of American Wit and Josh Billings' Trump Kards. 

[12Apr1818 - 14Oct1885]
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Posted by 
Vikrmn: Author of "10 Alone" (CA Vikram Verma) 10Alone.com

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